+91 9176633248


end-to-end power reporting.

Full Stack BIR
Reporting & Automation

6 Data Tools | 9 Specialist Certificates | 45+ Projects |

Power BI | DAX | MS-SQL | ETL | VBA | Python

Power BI

Adv. DAX





Become a techno-functional professional by mastering data analytics,
advanced reporting, programming, and automation through our
comprehensive Full Stack BI program and, work like a Pro.

Saturday, 10 August| View Schedule

Batch starts on

Aug 10th

Full Stack BIR
Reporting &
Automation Course.

Power BI | DAX | MS-SQL | ETL | VBA | Python


Data Analytics, Advanced Reporting,
Programming & Automation.

fullstack courses

Program Overview


180-hours, 72 Sessions

1-year program (only on Weekends)


Power BI, Adv. DAX, Power Query, Power Pivot
MS-SQL, ETL with SSIS, RPA, VBA, Python.


9-Specialist Certificates (one for each tool)


Sat, 10 Aug at 05:30 PM

View Schedule

Course Content Overview

A snapshot of what will be covered in 1-year course.

Objective: To prepare a quick POC with small data and get the concurrence on the output before investing time on huge datasets.


  • Core Fundamentals Of Spreadsheets
  • How System Interprets Your Data
  • Crucial Formatting Concepts
  • Understanding Core Formula Fundamentals & Advanced Referencing Concepts
  • 60+ Advanced Excel Functions
  • Cleansing & Transforming Data
  • Data Summarization
  • Conditional Summarization
  • Working With Multiple Datasets
  • Working With Pivot Tables Including Advanced Pivot Tables Options
  • 15+ Charts - When To Use What Chart?
  • Develop Data Models to Simulate Complex Business Scenarios for What IF Analysis

Objective: To do faster queries, simpler DAX code and enjoy easier maintenance.

Introduction To PowerPivot

  • Limitation Of Excel Functions
  • Limitation Of Excel Pivot table
  • Why Powerpivot?
  • Powerpivot Features – Overview

Powerpivot Environment

  • Opening Powerpivot Environment
  • Understanding External Data Section
  • Understanding Formatting
  • Powerpivot Views
  • Understanding Measures

Loading Data Into PowerPivot

Calculated Columns

  • Calculated Columns
  • Entering Formulas
  • Using Autocomplete Feature
  • Renaming Columns
  • Understanding Tables

Creating Measures

  • Creating Simple DAX Measures
  • Explicit Measure Vs Implicit Measure
  • Referencing Measures In Other Measures
  • Formatting Measures
  • Manage Data Relationships
  • Working With Multiple Tables
  • Disconnected Tables
  • Creating Custom Calendars
  • Using Advanced Filter()
  • Advanced Calculated Columns
  • Understanding Relationship Concept
  • Join Tables
  • Left Join Tables
  • Right Join Tables

Data Visualization Using

  • Charts, Score Cards And Dashboards
  • Slicers
  • Map Visualizations
  • Data Binding And Formatting

Creating Advanced Dashboards With PowerPivot

Creating Free Form Reports With PowerPivot & Excel

Develop Simple Models And Forecast Data Using PowerPivot & Excel

Objective: Getting started with Power BI and leverage it’s full potential to develop compelling visualizations.

Building Blocks of Power BI

  • Visualizations
  • Datasets
  • Reports
  • Dashboards
  • Tiles

Building Your First Power BI Report

  • Connect to Data Sources in Power BI Desktop
  • Clean and Transform Your Data With the Query Editor
  • Create a report in Power BI Desktop
  • Publish the report in the Power BI service

Data Modeling with Power BI

  • Fundamentals of Modeling
  • How to Manage Your Data Relationships
  • Create Calculated Columns
  • Optimizing Data Models for Better Visuals
  • Create measures and work with time-based functions
  • Create Calculated Tables
  • Explore Time-Based Data


  • Create and Customize Simple Visualizations

Building compelling data visualizations

  • Identify metrics and pair them with appropriate data visuals
  • Using slicers
  • Creating Map Visualizations
  • Creating Tables and Matrixes
  • Creating Scatter Charts
  • Creating Waterfall and Funnel Charts
  • Using Gauges and Single Number Cards
  • Charting Options including Formatting with Colors, Shapes, Text Boxes, Images, etc.

Designing User-friendly reports

  • Customize themes
  • Create versatile layouts for your reports
  • Design principles to reduce noise and highlight data stories

Creating interactive reports for data exploration

  • Filtering & drilling for insights
  • Difference between filters & slicers
  • Filter pane for reporting needs

Exploring Data

  • Use Quick Insights in the Power BI service
  • Create and Configure A Dashboard
  • Share Dashboards with your organization
  • Display Visuals and Tiles Full-Screen 

Objective: To learn different methods to Transform Data before uploading it to the SQL Database.


  • Introduction
  • Loading & Refresh
  • Combine data from multiple data sources

Data Transformation

  • Editing Queries Created with Power Query
  • Editing Column Headers in Power Query
  • Splitting Column Data with Power Query
  • Sorting Data
  • Multi-Level Sorting
  • Filtering Data
  • Aggregate data from a column
  • Insert a custom column into a table
  • Merge columns
  • Remove columns
  • Remove rows with errors
  • Promote a row to column headers
  • Transforming Text Values
  • Replacing Data
  • Using the Fill command
  • Pivot and Unpivot Column
  • Transpose Query Data
  • Pivot Column Command in Action
  • Unpivot Columns Command
  • Grouping Data
  • Create a Duplicate Query
  • Group and Summarize Data
  • Advanced Data Grouping
  • Working with multiple sources in Power Query
  • Multiple Excel Tables
  • Expand a column containing an associated table
  • Understanding Table Relationships
  • Merging Queries

Loading Power Query Data to Destinations

  • Familiarity with the Load & Refresh Settings
  • Loading it to Workbook
  • Loading it to Data Model

Objective: To add analytical power to your Power BI model that is not available in the data as-is, using DAX.


  • What is DAX?
  • Data Types
  • Table-Valued Functions
  • Building a Calendar Table
  • Date and Time Functions
  • Filter Functions
  • Information Functions
  • Logical Functions
  • Mathematical and Trigonometric Functions
  • Statistical Functions
  • Text Functions
  • Time Intelligence Functions

Creating Advanced Dax Measures With Advanced Dax Functions

  • Calculate()
  • All()
  • Filter()
  • IF()
  • Switch()
  • SumX()

Evaluation Context

  • Filter Context
  • Row Context
  • Using RELATED in a Row Context
  • Filters and Relationships

Hierarchies in DAX

Querying with DAX


  • One-to-Many Relationships
  • Many-to-Many Relationships

Objective: To query MS-SQL Database (es) by writing accurate, effective, and robust T-SQL code - the right way.

Introduction to MS-SQL

  • Creating a Database
  • Understanding Tables and Creating Tables
  • Inserting, Updating and Deleting Data
  • Querying Data
  • Filtering Data
  • Grouping Data
  • Ordering Data
  • Column Aliases
  • Table Aliases


  • Dropping Objects
  • Object Naming and Dependencies


  • Simple SELECTs
  • Calculated and Derived Fields
  • Derived Tables
  • Joins
  • Predicates
  • Subqueries
  • Aggregate Functions

Objective: Leverage DAX potential to perform advanced data analytics

Advanced Table Manipulation Functions

  • DISTINCT column
  • ROW
  • Constructor
  • TOPN

Advanced Filter Functions

  • ALL


  • SUMX
  • MAXX

Objective: To perform advanced and complex data transformations not available in the Query Editor

Understanding M Programming Code

  • M LANGUAGE Specifications
  • Lexical Structure
  • Basic Concepts
  • Values
  • Types
  • Operators
  • Let
  • Conditionals
  • Functions
  • Error Handling
  • Creating Simple M Expressions
  • Creating Simple M Functions
  • Working with List, Record & Tables
  • Understanding Operators and Evaluation Methods
  • Data Types & Type Conversions

Working with M Functions

  • ACCESSING DATA FUNCTIONS - From Excel, SQL, CSV, Tab-Delimited, Webpage, XML, JSON, SharePoint, etc.

Objective: Get hands-on experience with advanced administration settings, permissions, Data refresh times etc.


  • Publishing Power BI Reports
  • Creating & Managing Workspaces and Its Access
  • Creating & Managing Dashboard and Its Access
  • Installing & Configuring Data gateway
  • Scheduling and configuring data refresh
  • Managing & Reusing Datasets
  • Scheduling Report Alerts
  • Setting up Row Level Permissions
  • Managing Users & Audit Log
  • Custom Branding Power BI For your Organization
  • Adding Custom Visuals for your Organization

Objective: To collect data from multiple ad-hoc sources and prepare it for loading it to SQL Database for BI Reporting purpose.


  • Core Fundamentals of VBA
  • Understanding VBA Environment
  • Writing simple VBA Codes
  • Concept of Variables & Data Types
  • Testing & Debugging Code
  • Understanding Fundamental Coding Blocks
  • IF Block
  • Select Case
  • And / Or Conditions
  • Understanding Fundamentals of Looping
  • For Loop
  • Do While
  • Understanding Object Based Programming
  • Advanced Excel Automations
  • Word Automation
  • Outlook Automation
  • Working with Database
  • Working with Web Browsers - Web Scrapping
  • Creating User Interfaces with VB Forms
  • Handling Run Time Errors & Securing Code

Objective: To collect data from multiple ad-hoc sources and prepare it for loading it to SQL Database for BI Reporting purpose.


  • Core Fundamentals of Python
  • Understanding Python Development Environment
  • Understanding Data Types
  • Concept of Variables & Operators
  • Functions including String, Math, Date, Time, etc
  • Files and Modules in Python
  • Understanding Fundamental Coding Blocks
  • IF Block
  • Select Case
  • And / Or Conditions
  • Understanding Fundamentals of Looping
  • For Loop
  • Do While
  • Understanding Object Oriented Programming in Python
  • Data Analysis Process
  • Python Nympy - Shape, Size, Arrays, Agregation, Comparisons, Transposing, etc
  • Reporting & Data Analysis with Power BI ,Python & SQL
  • Web Scrapping with Python

Objective: Extract Data from multiple data sources, transform them with SSIS or M-Program transformation options and, Load it to Reporting Database / Data Warehouse

Understanding SSIS Packages

Creating & Managing Connections with Connection Manager

  • Importing Data With ADO.NET
  • Importing Data From Excel
  • Importing Data From Flat Files
  • Importing Data From FTP
  • Importing Data From SMTP
  • Working with Multiple Connections
  • Working with Control Flows
  • Working with Data Flows
  • Working with Variables & Expressions

Performing Transformations

  • Aggregation Transformations
  • Audit Transformations
  • Conditional Split Transformations
  • Data Conversion Transformations
  • DQS Cleansing Transformations
  • Derived Columns Transformations
  • Export Column Transformation
  • Fuzzy Grouping Transformation
  • Fuzzy Lookup Transformation
  • Lookup Transformation
  • Merge Transformation
  • Merge Join Transformation
  • Pivot Transformation
  • Unpivot Transformation
  • Row Count Transformation
  • Sort Transformation

Loading Data to SQL Server

Advanced SQL Concepts


  • Detecting DML Errors

Understanding Data Types

  • Dates
  • Strings
  • Numeric
  • BLOBs
  • Bits
  • Cursor Variables
  • Timestamps


  • Dropping Objects
  • Object Naming and Dependencies


  • Create & Manage VIEWs
  • Getting a VIEW's Source Code
  • Updatable VIEWs
  • Derived Tables
  • Dynamic VIEWs
  • Partitioning Data Using Views
  • View Restrictions

Stored Procedures

  • Stored Procedure Advantages
  • Internals
  • Creating Stored Procedures, Executing Stored Procedures
  • Environmental Concerns
  • Parameters for Procedures
  • Important Automatic Variables
  • Flow Control Language
  • Errors
  • Nesting
  • AutoStart Procedures
  • User Defined Functions
  • Scalar UDFs
  • Table-Valued UDFs
  • Per-Row UDFs

Working with Date & Time

  • Date and Time Data Types
  • Date and Time Manipulation
  • Date and Time Functions
  • Literals
  • Identifying Weekday
  • Handling Date-only or Time-only Data Prior to SQL Server 2008
  • Examples of Date and Time Calculations
  • Rounding Issues
  • Date- and Time-Related Querying Problems
  • Age Problems
  • Overlaps
  • Grouping by the Week
  • Working Days
  • Generating a Series of Dates


  • Unions
  • Differences
  • Intersections
  • Subsets


  • Transactions Defined
  • How SQL Server Transactions Work
  • Types of Transactions
  • Avoiding Transactions Altogether
  • Automatic Transaction Management
  • Transaction Isolation Levels
  • Transaction Commands and Syntax
  • Debugging Transactions
  • Optimizing Transactional Code

Objective: To put our entire learning to use and arrive at the best possible BI solution -using the right combination of available technologies.


  • Case Study 1
  • Case Study 2
  • Case Study 3

Course Fee

One-time payment and installment - both are available.

4,000 / month*

(for 11-months)

*With initial fees of INR 15,000

Training 5 or
more people?

Avail additional 10% Corporate Benefit*
on the total course fee for 5+ participants.
Get you team BI ready, today.

What's included?

  • 8 Excel Models
  • 18 Power BI & DAX Projects
  • 6 Power Query Projects
  • 6 Power Pivot Models
  • 14 Automation Scenarios Using VBA
  • 6 Automations Using Other Applications Like MS-SQL, Web-Scrapping, API Integration, RPA
  • 4 Projects On Data Analytics Using Python
  • 7 ETL Projects
  • 5 MS-SQL Projects
  • 8 Projects Covering Power BI + DAX + Power Query
  • 3 Projects Covering Power BI + DAX + Power Query + MS-SQL
  • 3 Master Projects On Power BI + DAX + Power Query + SQL + ETL

Course Schedule

Online & Classroom (both are available).

Systematic Learning

Date: Sat, 10 Aug- Sat, 31 Aug

Total Sessions: 04

Schedule: Sat (5:30 PM - 8:00 PM)

Systematic Learning

Date: Sun, 8 Sep- Sun, 29 Sep

Total Sessions: 04

Schedule: Sun (08:30 AM - 11:00 AM)

Eligible Certificate: MS-Excel Associate

Systematic Learning

Date: Sun, 06 Oct- Sun, 27 Oct

Total Sessions: 04

Schedule: Sun (08:30 AM – 11:00 AM)

Systematic Learning

Date: Sun, 03 Nov - Sun, 24 Nov

Total Sessions: 04

Schedule: Sun (08:30 AM – 11:00 AM)

Eligible Certificate: MIS Reporting & Model Building Specialist using MS-Excel

Continuing Education

Workout Sessions - MIS Reporting & Power BI

Date: Fri, 15 Sep

Total Sessions: 01

Schedule: Fri, 15 Sep (7 PM - 9 PM)

Systematic Learning

Power Query, DAX & Power BI Dashboards - Advanced

Date: Sun, 01 Dec - Sun, 22 Dec

Total Sessions: 04

Schedule: Sun (08:30 AM - 11:00 AM)

Continuing Education

Workout Sessions - MIS Reporting & Power BI

Date: Fri, 13 Dec

Total Sessions: 01

Schedule: Fri, 13 Dec (7 PM - 9 PM)

Systematic Learning

Date: Sun, 29 Dec - Sun, 19 Jan

Total Sessions: 04

Schedule: Sun (08:30 AM - 11:00 AM)

Eligible Certificate: Data Analysis & Dashboard Associate using Power BI

Continuing Education

Workout Sessions - Power BI

Date: Fri, 10 Jan

Total Sessions: 01

Schedule: Fri, 10 Jan (7 PM - 9 PM)

Systematic Learning

Date: Sun, 02 Feb - Sun, 23 Feb

Total Sessions: 04

Schedule: Sun (08:30 AM - 11:00 AM)

Continuing Education

Workout Sessions - MIS Reporting & Power BI

Date: Fri, 14 Feb

Total Sessions: 01

Schedule: Fri, 14 Feb (7 PM - 9 PM)

Systematic Learning

Date: Sun, 02 Mar - Sun, 23 Mar

Total Sessions: 04

Schedule: Sun (08:30 AM - 11:00 AM)

Continuing Education

Workout Sessions - MIS Reporting & Power BI

Date: Fri, 14 Mar

Total Sessions: 01

Schedule: Fri, 14 Mar (7 PM - 9 PM)

Systematic Learning

Date: Sun, 30 Mar - Sun, 20 Apr

Total Sessions: 04

Schedule: Sun (08:30 AM - 11:00 AM)

Eligible Certificate: Data Analytics & BI Developer using MS-SQL & Power BI

Continuing Education

Workout Sessions - VBA & Power BI

Date: Fri, 11 Apr

Total Sessions: 01

Schedule: Fri, 11 Apr (7 PM - 9 PM)

Systematic Learning

Date: Sat, 26 Apr - Sat, 17 May

Total Sessions: 04

Schedule: Sat (9 AM - 11:30 AM)

Eligible Certificate: VBA Developer & Report Automation Specialist using VBA

Continuing Education

Workout Sessions - VBA & Power BI

Date: Fri, 09 May

Total Sessions: 02

Schedule: Fri, 09 May (7 PM - 9 PM)

Systematic Learning

Business Reporting using Python

Date: Sat, 24 May - Sat, 14 Jun

Total Sessions: 04

Schedule: Sat (9 AM - 11:30 AM)

Eligible Certificate: Data warehouse & ETL Specialist using MS-SQL, SSIS & Power BI

Continuing Education

Workout Sessions - VBA & Power BI

Date: Fri, 06 Jun

Total Sessions: 01

Schedule: Fri, 06 Jun (7 PM - 9 PM)

Systematic Learning

Date: Sat, 21 Jun- Sat, 12 Jul

Total Sessions: 04

Schedule: Sat (9 AM - 11:30 AM)

Continuing Education

Workout Sessions - VBA & Power BI

Date: Fri, 04 Jul

Total Sessions: 01

Schedule: Fri, 04 Jul (7 PM - 9 PM)

Systematic Learning

Date: Sat, 19 Jul - Sat, 09 Aug

Total Sessions: 04

Schedule: Sat (9 AM - 11:30 AM)

Eligible Certificate: FullStackBI Reporting & Automation Specialist

Continuing Education

Workout Sessions - VBA & Power BI

Date: Fri, 01 Aug

Total Sessions: 01

Schedule: Fri, 01 Aug (7 PM - 9 PM)

9 Specialist Certificates

Take exam and get certified for in-demand data tools.

About the Trainer


Mr. Sami



Students Trained


Year of Experience


Google Reviews

Mr. Sami, Microsoft Certified Trainer, with his qualifications in Finance, HR & Information Technology brings in 14 years of Industry experience. He has undertaken assignments with renowned IRS, The World Bank, Standard Chartered, ING Barings and much more.

Esteemed Clientele

IRS World Bank TVH-Chennai Brakes India Limited-Chennai Texas Charter Schools Mafoi randstad-Chennai Beroe-Chennai Conagra foods L T-Chennai Tafe-Chennai ING Barings Yes Bank-Chennai Wipro Mahindra Holidays KA Buckman Deutsche Bank Velammal-Chennai Besmak Doyensys Capgemini BNP Paribas RBS-Chennai Standard Chartered Tata Consultancy Services Care HCL FIS Amara Raja IBM National Insurance Velammal-Chennai Standard Chartered Syndicate Bank Everonn-Chennai Apollo Health Street SBI Life Insurance HEIDELBERG Synaptris Olympia Ford-Chennai Huawei Nokia Citibank-Chennai IRS World Bank TVH-Chennai Brakes India Limited-Chennai Texas Charter Schools Mafoi randstad-Chennai Beroe-Chennai Conagra foods L T-Chennai Tafe-Chennai ING Barings Yes Bank-Chennai Wipro Mahindra Holidays KA Buckman Deutsche Bank Velammal-Chennai Besmak Doyensys Capgemini BNP Paribas RBS-Chennai Standard Chartered Tata Consultancy Services Care HCL FIS Amara Raja IBM National Insurance Velammal-Chennai Standard Chartered Syndicate Bank Everonn-Chennai Apollo Health Street SBI Life Insurance HEIDELBERG Synaptris Olympia Ford-Chennai Huawei Nokia Citibank-Chennai

A snapshot of what you'll be learning in 50-weeks.

Detailed Course Content

Access to this area is only for the verified users.

Kindly enter your Mobile Number for verification.

You'll honored with total of 9-certificates through-out the program.

MS-Excel Associate

  • Level :

Exam ID: EG-901

Eligibility: On clearing post-training assessment

Sample Certificate: View here

MIS Reporting & Business Modeling Specialist using MS-Excel

  • Level :

Exam ID: EG-902

Eligibility: On clearing post-training assessment

Sample Certificate: View here

VBA Developer

  • Level :

Exam ID: EG-903

Eligibility: On clearing post-training assessment

Sample Certificate: View here

Report Automation Specialist
using Excel VBA Programming

  • Level :

Exam ID: EG-904

Eligibility: On implementing a Live VBA project

Sample Certificate: View here

Data Analysis & Dashboard
Associate using Power BI

  • Level :

Exam ID: EG-905

Eligibility: On clearing post-training assessment

Sample Certificate: View here

Data Analytics & BI Developer using MS-SQL & Power BI

  • Level :

Exam ID: EG-906

Eligibility: On clearing post-training assessment

Sample Certificate: View here

Data warehouse & ETL Specialist using MS-SQL, SSIS & Power BI

  • Level :

Exam ID: EG-907

Eligibility: On clearing post-training assessment

Sample Certificate: View here

Business Reporting Specialist using Python & Power BI

  • Level :

Exam ID: EG-908

Eligibility: On clearing post-training assessment

Sample Certificate: View here

Fullstackbi Reporting &
Automation Specialist

  • Level :

Exam ID: FSBI-001

Eligibility: On securing above 8-certificates

Sample Certificate: View here

MAR 2023 Systematic Learning

Quick Excel Brush-up & Power BI

Date: Sat, 4 Mar - Sun, 26 Mar

Total Sessions: 08

Schedule: Sat (5:30 PM - 8:00 PM) & Sun (11:00 AM - 1:30 PM)

Eligible Certificate: MS-Excel Associate

APR 2023 Systematic Learning

Model Building, DAX Functions & Power BI Reporting - Level 1

Date: Sun, 2 Apr - Sun, 23 Apr

Total Sessions: 04

Schedule: Sun (11:00 AM - 1:30 PM)

MAY 2023 Systematic Learning

Model Building, DAX Functions & Power BI Reporting - Level 2

Date: Sun, 30 Apr - Sun, 21 May

Total Sessions: 04

Schedule: Sun (11:00 AM - 1:30 PM)

Eligible Certificate: MIS Reporting & Model Building Specialist using MS-Excel

Continuing Education

Workout Sessions - MIS Reporting & Power BI

Date: Fri, 12 May & Fri, 19 May

Total Sessions: 02

Schedule: Fri, 12 May (7 PM - 9 PM) & Fri, 19 May (7 PM - 9 PM)

JUN 2023 Systematic Learning

Power Query, DAX & Power BI Dashboards - Advanced

Date: Sun, 28 May - Sun, 18 Jun

Total Sessions: 04

Schedule: Sun (11:00 AM - 1:30 PM)

Continuing Education

Workout Sessions - MIS Reporting & Power BI

Date: Fri, 9 Jun & Fri, 16 Jun

Total Sessions: 02

Schedule: Fri, 9 Jun (7 PM - 9 PM) & Fri, 16 Jun (7 PM - 9 PM)

JUL 2023 Systematic Learning

Programming Fundamentals - Using VBA

Date: Sun, 25 Jun - Sun, 16 Jul

Total Sessions: 04

Schedule: Sun (11:00 AM - 1:30 PM)

Eligible Certificate: Data Analysis & Dashboard Associate using Power BI

Continuing Education

Workout Sessions - Power BI

Date: Fri, 7 Jul & Fri, 14 Jul

Total Sessions: 02

Schedule: Fri, 7 Jul (7 PM - 9 PM) & Fri, 14 Jul (7 PM - 9 PM)

AUG 2023 Systematic Learning

MS-SQL Fundamentals & Ad-hoc Automations using VBA Macro - Level 1

Date: Sun, 23 Jul - Sun, 13 Aug

Total Sessions: 04

Schedule: Sun (11:00 AM - 1:30 PM)

Continuing Education

Workout Sessions - MIS Reporting & Power BI

Date: Fri, 4 Aug & Fri, 11 Aug

Total Sessions: 02

Schedule: Fri, 4 Aug (7 PM - 9 PM) & Fri, 11 Aug (7 PM - 9 PM)

SEP 2023 Systematic Learning

MS-SQL Fundamentals & Ad-hoc Automations using VBA Macro - Level 2

Date: Sun, 27 Aug - Sun, 17 Sep

Total Sessions: 04

Schedule: Sun (11:00 AM - 1:30 PM)

Continuing Education

Workout Sessions - MIS Reporting & Power BI

Date: Fri, 8 Sep & Fri, 15 Sep

Total Sessions: 02

Schedule: Fri, 8 Sep (7 PM - 9 PM) & Fri, 15 Sep (7 PM - 9 PM)

OCT 2023 Systematic Learning

Advanced T-SQL & Automating Other Applications using VBA

Date: Sat, 30 Sep - Sat, 21 Oct

Total Sessions: 04

Schedule: Sat (9 AM - 11:30 AM)

Eligible Certificate: Data Analytics & BI Developer using MS-SQL & Power BI

Continuing Education

Workout Sessions - VBA & Power BI

Date: Fri, 13 Oct & Fri, 20 Oct

Total Sessions: 02

Schedule: Fri, 13 Oct (7 PM - 9 PM) & Fri, 20 Oct (7 PM - 9 PM)

NOV 2023 Systematic Learning

ETL with MS-SQL & SSIS, Power BI Administration & Architecting BI Solution

Date: Sat, 28 Oct - Sat, 25 Nov

Total Sessions: 04

Schedule: Sat (9 AM - 11:30 AM)

Eligible Certificate: VBA Developer & Report Automation Specialist using VBA

Continuing Education

Workout Sessions - VBA & Power BI

Date: Fri, 17 Nov & Fri, 24 Nov

Total Sessions: 02

Schedule: Fri, 17 Nov (7 PM - 9 PM) & Fri, 24 Nov (7 PM - 9 PM)

DEC 2023 Systematic Learning

Business Reporting using Python

Date: Sat, 2 Dec - Sat, 23 Dec

Total Sessions: 04

Schedule: Sat (9 AM - 11:30 AM)

Eligible Certificate: Data warehouse & ETL Specialist using MS-SQL, SSIS & Power BI

Continuing Education

Workout Sessions - VBA & Power BI

Date: Fri, 15 Dec & Fri, 22 Dec

Total Sessions: 02

Schedule: Fri, 15 Dec (7 PM - 9 PM) & Fri, 22 Dec (7 PM - 9 PM)

JAN 2024 Systematic Learning

Advanced DAX & M-Programming

Date: Sat, 6 Jan - Sat, 27 Jan

Total Sessions: 04

Schedule: Sat (9 AM - 11:30 AM)

Continuing Education

Workout Sessions - VBA & Power BI

Date: Fri, 19 Jan & Fri, 26 Jan

Total Sessions: 02

Schedule: Fri, 19 Jan (7 PM - 9 PM) & Fri, 26 Jan (7 PM - 9 PM)

FEB 2024 Systematic Learning

Advanced Reporting & Automation Concepts

Date: Sat, 3 Feb - Sat, 24 Feb

Total Sessions: 04

Schedule: Sat (9 AM - 11:30 AM)

Eligible Certificate: FullStackBI Reporting & Automation Specialist

Continuing Education

Workout Sessions - VBA & Power BI

Date: Fri, 16 Feb & Fri, 23 Feb

Total Sessions: 02

Schedule: Fri, 16 Feb (7 PM - 9 PM) & Fri, 23 Feb (7 PM - 9 PM)

System Requirements

  1. MS-Excel
  2. Power BI Desktop (Free & Downloadable at https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/get-started/
  3. MS-SQL Server (Free & Downloadable at https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/sql-server/sql-server-editions-express If you have it already installed, kindly ensure you have rights to create and modify new databases.

Note: Above are required during the first 8 months of the training.

Connect with Us

Excelgoodies Software Private Limited

56, 1st & 2nd Floor, North Boag Road,

T. Nagar, Chennai - 600 017


Business Associate

Tel: +91 9176633248

Email: support@excelgoodies.com

Connect us on

Mr. Sami, MCT, MCSA Data Enthusiast & a Technophile

Trainers Microsoft Certificate Trainers Microsoft Certificate

Mr. Sami, Microsoft Certified Trainer, with his qualifications in Finance, HR & Information Technology brings in 14 years of Industry experience. He has successfully trained 9500+ professionals by now, and the counting is still on.

He has undertaken assignments with the renowned IRS, The World Bank, Tata Chemicals, Buckman Laboratories, Standard Chartered, ING Barings and much more. His nature of going that Extra Mile has got him the startling popularity amongst the Excelgoodies prominent clients.

Systematic + Continuing Education: Our unique learning model is the first of its kind in India.

Systematic Learning

Learn a new reporting tool every month during the next 12 months.


Every analyst and the business user thinks about which tool to learn next - which can improve his CV. This full-stack course is designed to cover all BI reporting tools in a phased approach (what tool to learn first and next) - which will help you to retain information and perform much better. This, in turn, will help you add lines to your resumé and get a portfolio of projects.

Continuing Education

Master every tool that you've learnt with our continuing education.


Although our training will help you learn a new tool every month, it is our continuing education curriculum that will give you the exposure you need to master a tool. This includes real-time Assignments, Case Studies & Projects.

The idea here is to introduce a new tool, immediately revisit it through multiple assignments - across the year and actively use the tool back at work to deepen understanding and move it to long-term memory.

Systematic Learning

Take a baby step approach and become a 360-degree BI Reporting expert.


Small, attainable goals and mini-victories work wonders to propel us towards a bigger goal. Take a few baby steps at a time and you're set. Therefore, our teaching methodology uses a series of short and intensive sessions combined with activities. And after every milestone, you will honored with a specialist certificate.

This is the simplest, yet the most effective learning strategy to master any subject and make a career advancement.

Continuing Education

No more "What if I forget these topics, later?"
No more "Will I be able to implement all this at work?"


Our entire continuing education program is designed with the belief that the more you revisit the topic you are trying to learn, the more you reinforce the idea in your long-term memory.

This means you will be working on numerous case studies and tasks throughout the year to help you remember the topics you learned from the very first day.

Changing Your Career to Data Analytics.

You have to run, time to leap. Make a big move, now.

By the end of 12 months, work as a tech-savvy functional professional in your own domain. Begin your career transformation journey into core technology or Data science with the techno-functional expertise earned.

Watching the new-tech unfold in BI Industry? Time to be part of it.

Discuss your career transformation with a Data Professional.

How is the course designed for working professionals?

Systematic + Continuing Education: Our unique learning model is the first of its kind in India.

Systematic Learning

Learn a new reporting tool every month during the next 12 months.

Every analyst and the business user thinks about which tool to learn next - which can improve his CV. This full-stack course is designed to cover all BI reporting tools in a phased approach (what tool to learn first and next) - which will help you to retain information and perform much better. This, in turn, will help you add lines to your resumé and get a portfolio of projects.

Continuing Education

Master every tool that you've learnt with our continuing education.

Although our training will help you learn a new tool every month, it is our continuing education curriculum that will give you the exposure you need to master a tool. This includes real-time Assignments, Case Studies & Projects.

The idea here is to introduce a new tool, immediately revisit it through multiple assignments - across the year and actively use the tool back at work to deepen understanding and move it to long-term memory.

Systematic Learning

Take a baby step approach and become a 360-degree BI Reporting expert.

Small, attainable goals and mini-victories work wonders to propel us towards a bigger goal. Take a few baby steps at a time and you're set. Therefore, our teaching methodology uses a series of short and intensive sessions combined with activities. And after every milestone, you will honored with a specialist certificate.

This is the simplest, yet the most effective learning strategy to master any subject and make a career advancement.

Continuing Education

No more "What if I forget these topics, later?"
No more "Will I be able to implement all this at work?"

Our entire continuing education program is designed with the belief that the more you revisit the topic you are trying to learn, the more you reinforce the idea in your long-term memory.

This means you will be working on numerous case studies and tasks throughout the year to help you remember the topics you learned from the very first day.

Excelgoodies Excelgoodies

Get the 10x advantage in your transformation journey to data professional.

Transform 10x faster at 1/10th the cost
Excelgoodies Excelgoodies

MS-Excel Associate

  • Level :

Exam ID: EG-901

Eligibility: On clearing post-training assessment

Sample Certificate: View here

MIS Reporting & Business Modeling Specialist using MS-Excel

  • Level :

Exam ID: EG-902

Eligibility: On clearing post-training assessment

Sample Certificate: View here

VBA Developer

  • Level :

Exam ID: EG-903

Eligibility: On clearing post-training assessment

Sample Certificate: View here

Report Automation Specialist
using Excel VBA Programming

  • Level :

Exam ID: EG-904

Eligibility: On implementing a Live VBA project

Sample Certificate: View here

Data Analysis & Dashboard
Associate using Power BI

  • Level :

Exam ID: EG-905

Eligibility: On clearing post-training assessment

Sample Certificate: View here

Data Analytics & BI Developer using MS-SQL & Power BI

  • Level :

Exam ID: EG-906

Eligibility: On clearing post-training assessment

Sample Certificate: View here

Data warehouse & ETL Specialist using MS-SQL, SSIS & Power BI

  • Level :

Exam ID: EG-907

Eligibility: On clearing post-training assessment

Sample Certificate: View here

Business Reporting Specialist using Python & Power BI

  • Level :

Exam ID: EG-908

Eligibility: On clearing post-training assessment

Sample Certificate: View here

Fullstackbi Reporting &
Automation Specialist

  • Level :

Exam ID: FSBI-001

Eligibility: On securing above 8-certificates

Sample Certificate: View here

Both Online & Classroom is available.*

All our classes are live, hands-on and with real-trainers.

No recorded sessions.

Classroom Gallery

Google Reviews

Just3Steps to enroll

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Book My Seat

Note: INR 500 will get adjusted
towards the Total Couse Fee.

Screening Test

You'll undergo a quick 15 mins
pre-assessment with the Trainer.

Join the Program

by paying the balance fees.

Interesting Careers to Explore after Full Stack BI Course

Average annual salary of a Data-Professional in India is INR 10L - 15L (Source: Ziprecruiter & Gartner)


You are required to use your analytical and
techinical capabilities to extract meaningful insights from data.

Average Salary: INR 10L - 11L PA

They ensure uninterrupted flow of data between servers and applications and are also reponsible for data architecture

Average Salary: INR 8L - 9L PA

They build the designs created by solution architects. They develop, maintain, test and evaluate big data solutions with organization.

Average Salary: INR 10L - 12L PA

They assists in testing activities and in the development of test scripts, performing research to understand business issues, and developing cost-effective solutions.

Average Salary: INR 15L - 18L PA

They conceptualize, design, develop and provide production support of interactive data visulizations used across the enterprise. They possess an artistic mind.

Average Salary: INR 7L - 9L PA

They have data analytics expertise and the experience of setting up reporting tools, querying and maintaining data warehouses. They are hands-on wiith big data and take a data-driven approach to solving problems.

Average Salary: INR 17L - 23L PA

They come up with solutions quickly to help businesses in making time sensitive decisions, have strong communication & analytical skills, passion for data visualization, and a drive for excellence.

Average Salary: INR 14L - 40L PA

They are responsible for supporting an enterprise wide BI framework. This position requires crictical thinking, attention to detail, and effective communication skills.

Average Salary: INR 10L - 12L PA

They are responsible for configuration, design, implementation, and support of data analysis solution or BI tool. They are required to analyze huge data gathered from transactional activity.

Average Salary: INR 20L- 23L PA

Sources: Glassdoor, Ambitionbox, Gartner

An analytics insight survey from 2021 had estimated a total of 3,03,809 new openings (India) in the field of data science for the year and this trend has been on the rise over the past 5 years.

But the challenge is that over 60% of the companies believe that it is not easy to fill data science roles because of severe talent shortages i.e. finding the right skill sets & real-world project experience. For candidates, the problems are very similar, the lack of practical exposure & the ability to showcase their analytical ability at work.

What makes this program unique?

A full-stack program

A comprehensive program that starts with the
fundamentals of the logic building (Excel) to
advanced topics like connecting front-end
visualization to back-end data warehouse and
architecting the best possible BI Solution.

In-demand BI Tools

Course works cover essential elements of data
science and analytics, including Data cleaning,
Data Querying, Analytics, Data Visualization,
and much more.

Practical Exposure

Get practical exposure to tools like Power BI,
Python, MSSQL, etc. by completing 30+
comprehensive projects.

Exposure to in-demand concepts

Practical exposure to most in-demand concept
ETL with SSIS to architect a BI solution.

Latest Curriculum

Latest curriculum designed for the industry
with excellent technical support by trainers.

Esteemed Clientele

IRS World Bank TVH-Chennai Brakes India Limited-Chennai Texas Charter Schools Mafoi randstad-Chennai Beroe-Chennai Conagra foods L T-Chennai Tafe-Chennai ING Barings Yes Bank-Chennai Wipro Mahindra Holidays KA Buckman Deutsche Bank Velammal-Chennai Besmak Doyensys Capgemini BNP Paribas RBS-Chennai Standard Chartered Tata Consultancy Services Care HCL FIS Amara Raja IBM National Insurance Velammal-Chennai Standard Chartered Syndicate Bank Everonn-Chennai Apollo Health Street SBI Life Insurance HEIDELBERG Synaptris Olympia Ford-Chennai Huawei Nokia Citibank-Chennai IRS World Bank TVH-Chennai Brakes India Limited-Chennai Texas Charter Schools Mafoi randstad-Chennai Beroe-Chennai Conagra foods L T-Chennai Tafe-Chennai ING Barings Yes Bank-Chennai Wipro Mahindra Holidays KA Buckman Deutsche Bank Velammal-Chennai Besmak Doyensys Capgemini BNP Paribas RBS-Chennai Standard Chartered Tata Consultancy Services Care HCL FIS Amara Raja IBM National Insurance Velammal-Chennai Standard Chartered Syndicate Bank Everonn-Chennai Apollo Health Street SBI Life Insurance HEIDELBERG Synaptris Olympia Ford-Chennai Huawei Nokia Citibank-Chennai IRS World Bank TVH-Chennai Brakes India Limited-Chennai Texas Charter Schools Mafoi randstad-Chennai Beroe-Chennai Conagra foods L T-Chennai Tafe-Chennai ING Barings Yes Bank-Chennai Wipro Mahindra Holidays KA Buckman Deutsche Bank Velammal-Chennai Besmak Doyensys Capgemini BNP Paribas RBS-Chennai Standard Chartered Tata Consultancy Services Care HCL FIS Amara Raja IBM National Insurance Velammal-Chennai Standard Chartered Syndicate Bank Everonn-Chennai Apollo Health Street SBI Life Insurance HEIDELBERG Synaptris Olympia Ford-Chennai Huawei Nokia Citibank-Chennai Velammal-Chennai Besmak Doyensys Capgemini BNP Paribas RBS-Chennai Standard Chartered Tata Consultancy Services Care HCL FIS Amara Raja IBM National Insurance Velammal-Chennai Standard Chartered Syndicate Bank Everonn-Chennai Apollo Health Street SBI Life Insurance HEIDELBERG Synaptris Olympia Ford-Chennai Huawei Nokia Citibank-Chennai


Application Deadline

Registration Closes on Wed, 07 Aug.

Registration Closes on
Wednesday, 07 Aug.

Connect with Us

Excelgoodies Software Private Limited
No.56, 1 & 2 Floor, North Boag Road,
T-Nagar, Chennai - 17


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